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  • Pure Lithium Manganese Oxide LiMn2O4 Powder for Lithium ion battery
  • Pure Lithium Manganese Oxide LiMn2O4 Powder for Lithium ion battery
Pure Lithium Manganese Oxide LiMn2O4 Powder for Lithium ion battery Pure Lithium Manganese Oxide LiMn2O4 Powder for Lithium ion battery

Pure Lithium Manganese Oxide LiMn2O4 Powder for Lithium ion battery

Name: LMO Battery Material

Formula: LiMn2O4

Material: Lithium Manganese Oxide

Application: Battery Cathode Material



Pure Lithium Manganese Oxide LiMn2O4 Powder for Lithium ion battery

The lithium manganese oxide powder has high purity, small particle size, uniform distribution, specific surface area, high surface activity and low apparent density.

Minimum Order Quantity(MOQ):  500 g/bag



L i M n 2 O 4 / M n - 1 0 2


S t a n d a r d





13.0~1 7



Pressed Density (g/cm3)

> 2 . 0

Specific Surface Area(㎡/g)

0 . 4~1 . 0

M n  ( % )

56.5~ 58. 9

F e  ( % )

< 0 . 02

C u  ( % )

< 0 . 02

Z n  ( % )

< 0 . 02

C a  ( % )

< 0 . 03

N i  ( % )

< 0 . 03

p H  Va l u e

< 11

M o i s t u r e ( p p m )

< 1 0 0 0

C a p a c i t y(m A h / g;1 C

d i s c h a r g e))

> 102

Cycle life

1C discharge cycle 100, the capacity> 9 0 %


Black Powder、No Agglomeration、No Sundries

P a c k i n g

Regular Packing for Export: 1Kg/PE Bag,25kg/Barrel

S t o r a g e、D e l i v e r y

Avoid moist

A p p l i c a t i o n

Lithium ion Power Battery Cathode materials

U s e T i m e

One Year



 LiMn2O4 Powder

materials of LiMn2O4 Powder